The Student News Site of Chaparral High School

The Express

The Student News Site of Chaparral High School

The Express

The Student News Site of Chaparral High School

The Express

Being in the Right Place at the Right Time


In a world where acts of kindness often go unnoticed, there are stories that restore our faith. One such story is that of senior Robert Waller.

It was a fateful day when Robert, at the age of 13, found himself in a heartbreaking situation. He and his grandmother were driving along the freeway when they became witnesses to a devastating accident caused by a truck that had made a wrong turn. The car in front of them was struck with intense force, crashing into a wall and causing it to smoke. Without a second thought, Robert’s instincts kicked in.

“Having seen that I was in shock, so I ran out the car” Robert said. He and his grandmother pulled over, joining other concerned bystanders who rushed to the scene.

Robert discovered two terrified children in the backseat of the car. They were crying uncontrollably, in fear of what had just occurred.

“I got the kids out the car and was trying to talk to them, but they only spoke Spanish, so I was trying my best to calm them down.” Robert explained. He then lifted the children out of the smoking vehicle, ensuring their safety and providing comfort during such a traumatic moment.

Little did he know that this act of kindness would be the beginning of an unbreakable bond. Tragically, the driver of the car did not survive the accident. As the authorities arrived and took charge of the situation, Robert learned the truth about the children’s circumstances.

He explained, “What I didn’t know is that their parents got deported like about 5 or 6 months ago. So we didn’t know where they would go then”.

Robert and his grandmother, touched by the children, made the decision to stay connected with them. They became a source of support, checking in regularly to ensure the children’s well being and offering a helping hand whenever needed.

Time passed, and the children were adopted by a family. Yet, the connection between Robert and the children remains unbreakable. Robert said, “I see them once in a while for like holidays.”

Because of his selfless act on that fateful day, not only saved two innocent lives but also sparked a lifelong bond of love and support.

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