Congratulations 2023 Graduates

Sarai Gonzalez, Staff Reporter
I will be honoring Kianna Smith, who is someone very close to me.

Kianna has been my friend since last year. She has been someone who I have been able to look up to and to be proud of. I am so dearly proud of her for being a class of 2023 graduate. Although I am sad she’s leaving me, I am so proud that she is going to be attending Nevada State college.

Kianna has participated in a few school clubs, some big ones are Choir and Mariachi. She’s earned an award from Mariachi for attending the north Las Vegas convention. As for awards in high school in general she has won three. She’s been a part of choir since freshman year which is where I met her. Kianna is an absolutely amazing singer. I’m very proud of her because she got a solo this year for one of our songs for our spring concert.

Kianna has been one of those people I have been able to talk to about anything, which is very hard to find in people. I am so sad that she’ll be leaving as she is one of the reasons why I enjoy my choir class. I’ll miss making each other laugh and talking about stuff that has happened to us throughout the day.

I am so proud to be able to call Kianna Smith my friend and to be able to honor her. Congratulations on being a class of 2023 graduate!!