Project Sekai: More Than Just a Rhythm Game

Cadence Eckhoff, Staff Reporter

Project Sekai, or Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage, is a mobile game developed by Colorful Palette and published by Sega. It is a rhythm game in which you have to tap, flick, and hold notes along with a song. The game has several features that I will discuss in the review itself but within those features is a multiplayer mode. Due to this you may go solo with it or play with friends or random other players. Personally, I have been playing the game since around April of 2022.

Project Sekai is a game I would highly recommend as a five star game. There are several reasons why and I could go on quite a while about why however I will try to keep this review fairly short and sweet. Keeping it to the point.

The first reason that I recommend it is that it has several difficulties and speeds. I myself enjoy the challenges in games so a game where you can adjust how challenging it is any time is very refreshing. There are five different modes in Project Sekai (Easy, Normal, Hard, Expert, and Master). Another thing you can change to increase or decrease the difficulty is the note speed, which is how fast the notes go while playing. Both of these I feel can keep the game fun and challenging for the player.

Second of all, the in game character designs of the cards are done really well. In the game there is a system where you can pull on an in -game banner to try and get cards that the game releases for each new event. To me the card designs are done really well, especially the newer ones lately. Whether you’re someone who likes to collect in-game cards like this, simply enjoy rolling on banners, or are just someone who appreciates the good art of the card I believe that this part of the game is good for you.

Last but not least, the songs that the game has to offer. Project Sekai is, as I said before, a rhythm game so naturally it has a variety of songs you can play through. While the genre of music isn’t for everyone, as the music is in Japanese, the songs are generally really catchy and the covers are really well sung. I think that the songs are something people can easily enjoy while playing through the game. They have both a variety of covers and original songs to the game. Project Sekai also adds new songs to each new event as well.

While I could go on further on why I recommend this game I will stop here for now. Project Sekai has a lot to offer and I think that it has at least one thing that people could enjoy from the game generally. I can’t stress how much I love this game and recommend it.