Stephen King’s “Carrie-2013” Still Scares

Stephen King's "Carrie-2013" Still Scares

Marco Cabanog, Staff Reporter

The original movie Carrie came out in 1976. The remake, which came out in 2013, is just as suspenseful and creepy. The tale of a teen girl sheltered from a regular high school life was born with some weird and freakish powers, but they don’t come out until she builds up a rage against her mother and classmates. Carrie’s childhood was terrible. Her mother was so strict, and basically imprisoned her in a closet. Her mother always read in a bible she always do prayers and her mom told her that she must believe in the bible. Her mom forces her to pray and locks her up in the closet. Carrie was allowed to go to school, but many of the students bullied and teased her because she was seen as a freak and a weird. She then realizes that when she get mad something strange would happen. When she ask her mother what’s happening to her, her mother responds by saying “You’re a devils child!”
Her anger just gets worse, and her powers get stronger. She runs to her room thinking that she has gone mad. She can’t believe what is happening! Then she did something weird and the candles, chair, her bed, and more starting to float and even bulbs starting to break. Rather than helping her calm down, her mother becomes very angry can’t believe what Carrie has done. Her mom dragged her down to the kitchen and Carrie starting to explain what was happening, but her mother tried kill her. By the end of the night the end they forgive each other. Unfortunately one night a bully girl from Carrie’s school conjures up a terrible and tragic plan on prom night to get revenge on Carrie. A horrible plan to trick Carried into thinking that there guy that she likes really wants to take her to prom. She thought that her mother will disagree, so she tries her best to convince her. Her mother said that she must control her rage, and so her mom agreed about the dance. It is crazy what the girl has set up for Carrie once she is at the dance. A bucket of pig’s blood is dripping on Carrie and everybody laughs. She basically goes mad and everything is floating. Students are starting to freak out and they try to kill Carrie, but Carrie was unstoppable. Carrie kills everyone and she goes home with her bloody dress and blood and bruises on her body. Carrie ends up destroying her house and kills herself and her mom.
I suggest this movie because it is a big win and fun it’s, not too scary, so I hope that you like it.