Dress Code Opinion: From the View Point of a Female Athlete

Dress Code is not fair for female athletes.
September 20, 2022
School is a place where everyone should feel comfortable. And to provide this surrounding there are rules. But I want to talk about a certain rule, that in my opinion is fighting against students feeling comfortable. We are talking about the dress code.
The dress code tells students to cover up. Even parts of the body that aren’t even remotely sexual, such as shoulders. By doing that it is teaching us that our bodies are inappropriate and a distraction. We are learning that it is our fault for how people look at us, when in fact we should all learn how to treat others with respect and stop sexualizing people for having a body. Because that is all we’re getting shamed for. Having a body. Our bodies are not inappropriate, it is what you make of it that is inappropriate. Stop making students feel ashamed for what they wear when they are not the problem.
Another important topic is that the dress code is way harder on girls. A girl is more likely to get dress coded than a boy even when both are violating the rules. Throughout history, women have had to fight long enough to have rights, be respected and not just be seen for their bodies. But with the dress code we are still targeting and sexualizing them. That shows how outdated and sexist this system is.
And the most contradictory thing about the dress code are the school’s athletic uniforms. Especially the girls’ uniforms are often very short and revealing, and compared to the boys uniforms, unnecessarily sexualizing. With those uniforms we are representing our school. And yet they are breaking the dress code in every way possible. But to do a certain sport you have to wear the uniform. This indicates that you are, especially as a girl, only allowed to wear a short skirt or short shorts if you are not willingly deciding to do it. It is only seen as appropriate if it’s not the woman making rules about her own body, but someone else.
With all this being said, the main message is that the dress code conveys many false values. It is inconsistent, outdated and encourages body shame.
But no system is perfect which is why it is all the more important to represent your opinion and speak up to make a change.