One of an artists’ biggest struggles is coming up with ideas on what to draw. Whether you’re out of ideas or you’re overflowing with them to the point you can’t make a choice, it is often a struggle whenever they pick up their pencils. However there is a way that can help combat this, and that is monthly art challenges.
Art challenges are a list of drawing prompts that come out every month. The goal is to draw something everyday for the whole month. There are several different websites and social media that post these lists, so if you’re not a fan of one list then you can most likely find another one. It is a flexible event to which you, as the artist, have a lot of creative freedom. There are many benefits to these art challenges. Ranging from the freedom, pre-selected prompts, and the fact you’ll end up drawing constantly. By repeating a process over and over again you are bound to get better or stay in shape with your current skills. It is an effective way for artists to keep up with the flow, especially if they don’t have enough time for bigger projects.
While there are prompts for every month, not everyone constantly participates. This is most likely due to the possibility of burnt out. Artists therefore have to pick and choose between the months they want to do, usually scanning through the prompt list once it comes out. One of the more popular months to participate in by far is October, often referred to as Inktober. The Halloween themed prompts draw people the most by far. Other months with major holidays have a similar effect, however it’s not to the extent of Inktober.
As we go into February, new lists are being published for artists to look through and participate in. Some of these prompts include: ‘Umbrella’, ‘Crystal’, ‘Rain’, and ‘Strawberries’. It’s up to the artists’ interpretation of the word for it to truly come to life. Two artists may look at a prompt in completely different angles. On one hand someone may draw a realistic umbrella or maybe a person with one, while on the other someone could draw in a more animated style– maybe even giving sentience to the umbrella. There are many different forms and styles of art, and in turn many different ways to take on these challenges.
Overall it is just a fun experience that no ones really going to police you to complete. Even if you don’t participate the full month you can find prompts that interest you, making that question ‘what to draw’ easier. As a spectator it’s interesting to see the ideas that everyone comes up with. Both as a viewer and artist, it is an enjoyable thing that I’m happy to be able to share with everyone else.