Teen Love: My Perspective

February 16, 2023
Valentine’s Day was this week. All the couples were lovey dovey and had huge bears and beautiful flowers. Did you know Valentine’s day started in the 14th century? That’s a whole lot of years to evolve into what we see as current Valentine’s Day traditions. The one tradition that has remained the same is it’s all about love.
Some adults think being in a relationship when young is pointless because it leads to nowhere. Only two-percent of high school sweethearts actually get married, so it is understandable why. Also, some of them think it is corny to be in a relationship, but I believe that dating young shapes who you become as a person and it helps you grow and understand how it feels to be in a serious relationship. Sadly, a lot of the relationships in this generation are very toxic and mentally abusive. I believe that you should get into a relationship when you know you are truly ready because not everyone is going to treat you right.
Teenage love is such a sweet topic and when you’re with the right person it really helps you with your mental health. I hoe that you spent Valentine’s Day with your loved ones, even if you’re not in a relationship.