Bathrooms a Headache for All

Kendall Avendano Montoya, Staff Reporter

Construction on the school’s bathrooms began during the second quarter of first semester. Most were unexpectedly closed to the Chaparral community and still are at this time. The construction consists of new faucets, some showers, locker rooms, custodial cleaning rooms, and a new plumbing system along with water pipes. Overall, $4.9 million dollars is being laid out to Chaparral for these things.

One of the demolished bathrooms, still not open for business. (David Garcia)

Since Chaparral is preparing for its 50th birthday, the big worry is that no matter how much money is spent on repairing this part of the school, that school repair needs are still going to keep happening.
“The school district is just wasting millions of dollars when they should do the right thing, for our chaparral community, for our kids, our parents, our staff, and build a brand new building on the Northwest side, but they [CCSD] refuses too,” said Assistant Principal Ron Isaacs. “The school district is just putting bandages on problems here.”

The bathroom renovations should be completed before the next school year begins. As for now, Chaparral community members must still deal with the daily open bathroom searches.