Best of 2022: God of War-Ragnarok & Overwatch 2

Best of 2022: God of War-Ragnarok & Overwatch 2

Christian Sims, Staff Reporter

The best of 2022 had to be God of War: Ragnarok. A game about a retired God of War who used to be murderous, and he now has a son he has to save along with the world from Odin, a nefarious ruler. The game was perfect, and the cutscenes of the game were like that of a movie. I honestly cannot wait for the sixth installment of the game, since it’ll most likely follow the actions of the God of War’s son, Atreus.
Another game I really enjoyed was Overwatch 2. This is a live service game with a lot of potential to get big in the industry. They added two new characters in 2022, and another new character is being added in 2023.