Study Abroad Programs Bring Foreign Students to Chaparral
Foreign Exchange Students Kuanming Yen (Mike) from Taiwan, and Marten Heimer from Germany are “brothers” this semester. Both are staying with the same host family.
December 6, 2022
What is an exchange year?
First of all let’s clarify what an exchange year even is. An exchange year means that you as a student travel to a foreign country for a certain period of time and go to school there. You will live with a host family, people that will take you in, let you live with them and take good care of you. Meanwhile you will be able to go to school, learn the language a little bit better and make good memories. How long that exchange “year” is, is up to you. It can be three or six months or you can actually stay for a whole year.
Why should you do an exchange year?
Now this sounds like a lot and you might think that you would not be able to do it but believe me it’s worth it. And here’s why: This is a great opportunity to get to know another country besides your home country. You will get to know a new culture, learn about how people live in other countries, see what different habits, opinions and mindsets they have and what kind of food they eat. Furthermore you will meet a lot of new people and make many new friends. It is also a great opportunity to strengthen your confidence and your independence. You will make a lot of experiences that you can learn from and most importantly you will make precious memories that will last a lifetime.
What qualities should you have if you want to do an exchange year?
If you are not sure if an exchange year is the right choice for you, this might help you. In order to get accepted by an organization you have to have acceptable grades and pass a
language test if you are planning on going to a country where they speak a different language. It is very helpful to be open minded. Be open to trying new things and meeting and talking to
new people. Being confident and independent helps a lot too. Even though you will still be able to improve these characteristics during your exchange year it is still a big help to be able to do some things on your own. Qualities that will make it easier for you are also adaptability, tolerance and willingness to compromise.
How do you do an exchange year?
There are programs that will help you on your way to an exchange year. If you get accepted after applying they will support you on every step you take. They will enroll you in a high school,
set you up with a host family, help you with your VISA, health insurance and any other problems that you might face and inform you about everything that you need to know. With them you will
always have an advisor on your side that you can turn to even during your exchange year. They will make your exchange year preparation a lot less stressful.
Every program is a little different to another, which is why you should look at several programs to see which one fits you the best. Some organizations also offer scholarships.
The most popular exchange programs that you should look into are:
– EF- Education First
– ICES- International Cultural Exchange Services
– FLEX- abroad- Future Leaders Exchange Abroad
You can find more information about these programs and what they do on their websites.
My experience:
As I myself am an exchange student I will now tell you a little bit about my own experience. Even though I have only been here for barely three months now, I have already made so many
memories. At the beginning it may seem hard to adjust and sometimes it is. But that is entirely normal. You are living in a new environment, with new people that speak a different language
and a lot of things change. Adjusting may take some time but believe me, it will get easier everyday. At the beginning you might also be scared of not finding friends, I was too, but you can do it. All you have to do is to be open to new things and new people. What will help a lot is to take part in school activities like sports or clubs. Being away from home and leaving all your family and friends behind can also be hard sometimes, there will be phases where you might feel lonely and overwhelmed but that is totally normal, all you have to do is to remember that you are not alone, there will always be your host family by your side supporting you in every way they can and your new friends will do everything to make you feel comfortable. Throughout the short amount of time that I have been here I have already made so many experiences and have learned so many new things. My language has improved a lot. It is also very interesting to see how everyday life looks like in another country. Furthermore I have made so many new friends which I am really grateful for. I am forever thankful to have this opportunity and couldn’t even think of all the great things that I would have missed out on if I didn’t.