Chaparral Teacher Served in Rhodesian Army

Gary Martin

Dominic Caballero, Staff Reporter

Last month we honored the veterans that have served in the US armed forces. Biology teacher Gary Martin actually served for the Rhodesian Army in 1973. Martin served in the Rhodesian Civil War. The war lasted from July 4, 1964 to December 12, 1979.
“At the time I thought it was a communism versus anti-communism war,” said Martin. “But now I view it more as a black versus white war.”
Rhodesia, which is now known as Zimbabwe, is in Southern Africa. Martin explained that he joined up with the military to make his parents proud. Also at that time, people between the ages of 18-65 were being drafted.
“Being a soldier came before being anything else at the time,” said Martin.
At the end of the Rhodesian War people didn’t retire; they were just sent home.
He recommends joining the military to people who still haven’t found their way, plus he recommends it because of the opportunities. Martin learned what it was like to be a soldier, something about life though.
He said, “You’re not in this life for yourself, you’re in it for the people around you.”
He explained that even when it gets hard you have to keep doing what you have to do, not for you, but for the people around you. Our students are lucky to have him here at Chaparral.