My Worst Halloween Ever

Yazmin Gamino-Mora, Staff Reporter

My worst Halloween was when I was trick or treating when I was around ten years old. This was the most memorable because everyone was feeling rushed that day, my dad was grumpy, my sister had homework to do and yet my mom still tried to get us in the Halloween spirit. We went to our usual spot where we would get candy and this is where everything went downhill. My dad proceeded to drop us off where most of the trick-or-treaters were and told us to call him when we were done. The only problem was that my mom wasn’t the best at telling directions so by the time we got done with trick or treating and the house lights went off where all you hear was the slight wind and the leaves blowing on the street; everyone’s patience was gone and paranoia started to set in. It didn’t help either that my sister was announcing every ten minutes that she had homework due and was too old to do trick or treating. So after an hour of hearing my mom and dad argue over the phone over some directions, we finally saw my dad’s car. Relief came over me, but I knew it wasn’t the end of it because we still had to deal with the tension in the car ride. That being said, the only good thing about that night was going to sleep. Hearing the next morning how great everyone’s Halloween was made me have some sense of envy. Nevertheless, there were better Halloweens to come. I just wasn’t aware of it yet.