My “German” Halloween Tale

November 8, 2022
Before I will tell my story about my best Halloween experience, I feel like I should explain a little bit about what Halloween is normally like for me.
As most people don’t know, Halloween is not being celebrated that big in Germany, where I am from. It’s actually quite different from American Halloween. First of all, it is an unspoken rule that you have to dress up as something scary, such as a bloody vampire, or a witch. Halloween is about scaring away the bad ghosts and spirits, which is why you have to dress up scary. But we
do have another celebration during the year called “Fasching,” where you dress up as something non scary, which is probably also why Halloween is only for the scary part. Also we
don’t dress up for school after fourth grade. Halloween is mostly only being celebrated by the younger population. It is children going trick or treating in their neighborhoods, sometimes you
can see teenagers doing that but it’s not that common. For People in our Age Halloween mostly means either sitting at home and giving out candy or going to Halloween parties, which is
exactly what I did for my best Halloween last year.
Before that I haven’t really celebrated Halloween in a couple of years, which probably was also why I was kind of excited about it. I dressed up as McGonagall from the Harry Potter series. I know, not scary, but she is a witch. So, we let that slide. The party was at a friend’s house, which was quite convenient for me because she lived close. We were up to fifteen people and when I got there not everyone had arrived yet, so I helped decorate a little bit.
When everyone was there we started to play some games and get to know each other since a lot of people brought friends that not everyone knew. After that we ate something and watched a scary movie, which was pretty fun. The rest of the evening was mostly everyone having conversations in little groups and just talking, laughing and having fun with some music in the background. After that we had like a real big sleepover, which was pretty fun.
In the morning of course we all helped clean up a little bit before we left.