Nissan Reps Stop by Chaparral Auto Shop

Yazmin Gamino-Mora, Staff Reporter

United Nissan Representatives stopped by Chaparral auto classes on Monday, November 7th to share their wisdom about the job opportunities in the ever changing automobile industry. Such job opportunities include positions in manufacturing, service and retail.
The two-year Career and Technical Education (CTE) program gives Chaparral students the education and training needed to work with cars. Just walking into the auto shop, one can see that it is set up much like a regular car repair garage. Students get hands on experience working on engines and transmissions, as well as learning the inner workings of the actual mechanics of a car.
CTE Instructor David Flessati said that the visit from the Nissan representatives is just the beginning of what could be a potential partnership with the dealership.
“If they end up sponsoring our auto program,” explained Flessati, “they can take some of our students into their apprenticeship program.”

Checking out what’s under the hood. (Rukia Abdullahi)

He added negotiations for this partnership are not set in stone yet, and it will be towards the end of the school year before he know if the partnership is a go.